Be Stupid

Be Stupid

Wednesday 23 December 2015

"It's been awhile since I posted anything on my google account."

Sorry Google, I guess that social media isn't really your thing. Google+ is like a mix of all the things I love about social media in one place, but I still think that something's off.

I just can't put my finger on it.

Friday 4 September 2015


Today is a wonderful day, because it's in between yesterday and tomorrow. It means that odds are that you'll have a chance to remedy any of the wrong that you did today. 

Make sure that you enjoy "today" and the day after that, and the day after that.
I don't want to be lonely and boring. Pleasse be the person that you want to be.

Invent the hoverboard that runs using magnetic feilds. Microbots, and nanotechnology that changes the world.

We always believed that education is the answer to the world's problems. WE thought that because we were ignorant of the real problems that the world was facing we were unable to make it so the world could replenish or to fix itself. That a good schooling was the antidote that we all needed.
Someday we'll finally be able to see that future.

Where everyone is happy, being the best people that they can be. Competing in a friendly way because we're all on a team, but I guess that really can't happen. To gang up we'll always need a villan to fight won't we.

The problem could always just be the lack of a purpose in life.

Stop and Listen

The blogger app is not the best app for all of this. My feelings will never be heard if I don't yell any louder than silent. Also there's no auto correct.

I'm gonna stop making the conversation titles of each post, but it doesn't really matter since nobody read all of them anyways. I did though. So I'll know.

Anyways, I wanted to start writing an article or some kind of speech on lonliness. 

Or something or anything.

I've decided now. These words in this blog will be a note to my future self all the words that I am typing into cyber space are for the eyes of me in the future, to give myself a glimpse of the teenage mind. To understand the mind through the eyes of a child. Although I do have that inside my journal. This is more for my political or basically strong opinions on "things".


Sunday 23 August 2015


Whoever said that we couldn't do anything ourselves? Throughout the course of time we have achieved so much as a collective species. So many mountains we have climbed, oceans we've crossed, and skies we've flown through. No. We soared. 

We flourish, or really we should. We've also created a ton of bad things. I ddon't really understand why, or how, but I guess that's just the next step that I need to take. One that we all need to take together. 

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

This happened quite a while ago. We did it. We made it to the moon. 

So now what? What are we doing now? What is the next step we can take to improve? How can we better our situation? These are big questions. Or are they? Size is relative. These are only big questions if you apply them to larger subjects, for example: 

In a class room. I'm having trouble with an algebra question. 5x + 8 = 28 Solve for x. 

First I became really frustrated. I swore to myself that I couldn't do it. I saw that other people were starting to get it. I was so jealous of them. I didn't want to get left behind. My greatest fear showed up in my everyday life. I knew that it would only get worse. I was pushed into a whole and paved over.

Then a ray of light shone upon me through the cement. My best friend took my hand, and we learned the subject together. We worked as a team to get through all the problems together.

We broke down the problem into smaller parts. Then worked backwords. 28-8=20 20 divided by 5 equals 4. x=4. It was actually quite simple. 

Point being we all need to work together, break down our problems, and solve for x. Where x is the answer to most of our problems.

For example: Our Failing Economy. Social Misunderstanding. Language and Racial Barriors. 

Monday 27 July 2015

"I'm sorry."

I think that I'm pretty much done with this blog. There aren't really that many people erasing this anyways, so...  I'm done.

Done here! I also have a Facebook page called Anime Universe. Please like my page.

And I'm on Tumblr, Follow me there the blog is still called

The Randome.

Saturday 25 July 2015

"I realize... That I'm not very good at posting regularly."

"How long did it take you to figure that one out?"

"Longer than I'd like to admit."

I've been away and busy.

Friday 3 July 2015

"Yes you are. Thank you for finally listening."

So I've started a Tumblr blog. Please follow me. I'll lead the way to something amazing. We all want to be heard, I'll listen. Will you?

This is just a really awesome picture.

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Would it be really bad if I just started advertising things on my blog that I almost never use?

Like if I were to tell everyone that you should buy cool custom made costumes from me because I'm awesome at making stuff.

(I can't change the font for some reason. Sorry)

Wednesday 15 April 2015

"I'm Stupid."

I am an arrogant bastard. 

I know that I'm not a good person. Everything I do has an ulterior motive behind it. Even as I type I can tell you that I'm thinking about what I can gain from this; from you.

Who gave me the right to judge other people? To weigh them in my mind? I feel as though I am cruel, but I am just. 

Maybe I don't understand though. Everyone has different things that they don't tell people. I don't really get what they would be, but maybe it doesn't matter?

If they don't show it to me, they should know that I won't be able to see it or know it, that I can't understand it.

I am frustrated by this.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

"It's time to go on a montage!"

"Do you mean a series of events made up of productive activities to keep up a healthy life style, get things done effectively, so that we can live better lives?"


"Eh...maybe later."

I think that this image insinuates something.

Friday 20 February 2015

"I don't care about Valentine's Day" *Sniffel*

"Dude are you sad because you didn't get any chocolate?"


"Here man." *Hands chocolate over*

"Thanks man."

Valentine's... I don't even...

Monday 2 February 2015

"I didn't even notice."

"Yes you did, you liar!"

"Where's your proof?"

"Right here. *sticks middle finger up*"

No need for an image here.

Sunday 1 February 2015

"I have been away."

"When you leave me I feel my heart come to a slow. I cannot find joy in the highest forms of happiness, and I miss you."

"Cut the crap, you didn't miss me for a second, you just wanted to eat my snacks"

"No...the two of us are the best of friends. We cannot be swayed by such distance, because I love you."

"Okay ok, I get it."