Be Stupid

Be Stupid

Monday 27 July 2015

"I'm sorry."

I think that I'm pretty much done with this blog. There aren't really that many people erasing this anyways, so...  I'm done.

Done here! I also have a Facebook page called Anime Universe. Please like my page.

And I'm on Tumblr, Follow me there the blog is still called

The Randome.

Saturday 25 July 2015

"I realize... That I'm not very good at posting regularly."

"How long did it take you to figure that one out?"

"Longer than I'd like to admit."

I've been away and busy.

Friday 3 July 2015

"Yes you are. Thank you for finally listening."

So I've started a Tumblr blog. Please follow me. I'll lead the way to something amazing. We all want to be heard, I'll listen. Will you?

This is just a really awesome picture.

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Would it be really bad if I just started advertising things on my blog that I almost never use?

Like if I were to tell everyone that you should buy cool custom made costumes from me because I'm awesome at making stuff.

(I can't change the font for some reason. Sorry)